How to Grow Grass for your Garden
Many food source come from the plant like grass, such as rice and wheat. The characteristic of grass is very easy to grow in many conditions. This is also help and guarantee for people that the food always available because those plant are easy to grow. But if you try to grow grass for your your garden it may difficult because it may contaminated by other kind of grass and this make bad looking.
A highly important cereal crop of the genus Triticum of the grass family, Gramineae, wheat was probably first cultivated in the Euphrates Valley nerly 9000 years ago. Since that time wheat was been a significant food source for people and animals. The most important species include common wheat, T. vulgare, used in bread, durum wheat, used in cakes and pastries and Polish wheat, T. polonicum.
Most of the approximately 30 species of wheat have hollow stems. The leaves are long and narrow. The head is characterized by flowers numbering 20 to 100 and occurring in spikelets. Fertilization of the flowers produces grain. A deep crease extends the length of a kernel, and many short hairs occur on the kernel’s small end. The entire kernel is surrounded by the pericarp, or outer bran, which is difficult to remove and represents 15% of the kernel. The rest of the kernel is composed of endorsperm (83 %) and germ (1.5 %). The object of flour milling is to separate these constituents.
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