Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Rafflesia Arnoldii

Rafflesia Arnoldii Flower

Rafflesia flower has found in Sumatra Island of Indonesia, as biggest flower that is grown in the forest
Rafflesia Flower
Indonesia's rain forests, one of the oldest and richest on earth are dominated by dipterocarp trees in whose shelter have evolved plants with giant flowers that rank among the greatest wonders of the natural world. Two plants in particular are renowned not only for their size, but also for their spectacular shapes, textures and odors. Rafflesia flower have bad smell so this flower called as Bunga Bangkai in Indonesia.

Giants Flowers of the World

These plant were brought to the notice of the world in the 19th century. Rafflesia Arnoldii was named after Sir Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore, and his physician Joseph Arnold, who found it while exploring the foothills near Bengkulu in 1818. An Italian explorer, Odoardo Beccari, was the first to describe the titan arum. A. titanium, in 1878, in both instances, their description were initially greeted with disbelieft, Rafflesia flower are one meter across and weight nearly seven kilograms, while the titan arum's inflorescence grows to over two meters in height (3.3 meters has been recorded).

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